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About Volcano Girls:

"Volcano Girls" is the title of a song by Veruca Salt. In the lyrics, they tell you that "the Seether" is Louise. My middle name is Louise, so I decided I might as well create my public relations/marketing site around that concept. I live for music and for supporting all the various small businesses, creativity, and individuality in my surrounding communities. -Kate

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Facebook status promotes breast cancer awareness By Nikky Raney

Courtesy of NY Daily News
Many Facebook users may be puzzled when seeing how many of their Facebook friends have a status saying: "I like it on the floor." (or "I like it on *BLANK*")

Along with the many Facebook statuses saying, "I like it on the floor," there are almost as many which ask, "Why does everyone's status say 'I like it on the floor?'"

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month - this viral Facebook status trend is meant to raise awareness of breast cancer. Although "I like it on the floor" may seem to be leading to something sexual, but really it is referring to a purse or handbag according to a blog from  The Washington Post.

There have been many types of breast cancer awareness campaigns that have been questionable (like the ads with the body paint), but this one seems to be more tame than "Save the Tatas."

Time Magazine online explains how unusual this method to raise awareness truly is comparing this status to the one that had gone viral last year:

Remember last year's Facebook campaign where all of your lady friends suddenly had status updates like “Black,” “Red,” or “Polka dots” and no one had any clue what was up? Oh, but then word got around that the updates were the bra colors of choice and the updates were meant to peak interest of those left out of the joke (read: males) in order to raise awareness about breast cancer. Um, ok?

The appeal of posting the status is that it will confuse those who don't already know what it is referring to - which will cause the person to get educated in order to figure out why these statuses are being posted. Clever.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't seen any Facebook posts like that yet: thanks for the info!
